Thursday, June 18, 2020
Campus Conversation: Fall Semester Planning - Overview
- Chancellor Carol Christ
- Paul Alivisatos, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Chancellor Christ and EVC and Provost Paul Alivisatos answered questions and discussed fall semester plans for campus instruction and operations.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Campus Conversation: Fall Semester Planning - Instruction
- Randy H. Katz, Vice Chancellor for Research
- Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor, Administration
- Maximilian Auffhammer, Professor of International Sustainable Development and Associate Dean in the Division of Social Sciences
- Susan Marqusee, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Campus Conversation: Student Engagement and Services
- Stephen C. Sutton, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- Oscar Dubon, Jr., Vice Chancellor of Equity & Inclusion
- Lisa García Bedolla, Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate Division
- Catherine P. Koshland, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education
- Sharon Inkelas, Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Campus Conversation: Student Housing
- Heidi Scribner, Executive Director, Housing, Events and Facilities, Residential and Student Service Programs
- Glenn DeGuzmann, Director of Residential Life
- Mark Lucia, Director of Student Legal Services, Attorney for Students
- Silvia Marquez, Associate Director in the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office
Campus leaders will provide information and details about plans for on campus fall 2020 housing and will also provide guidance for off campus housing, including information about leases.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Campus Conversation: Fall 2020 Instruction
- Paul Alivisatos, Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
- Oliver O'Reilly, Chair of the Academic Senate
- Lisa Garcia Bedolla, Dean of the Graduate Division
- Bob Jacobsen, Dean of the College of Letters & Science, Undergraduate Studies
Campus leaders will provide information about plans for instruction including what to expect and how to prepare for fall.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Campus Conversation: Newly Admitted Undergraduate Students
- Samuel Santos, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Engagement
- Micki Antovich, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of New Student Services
- Lorena Valdez, Director, Transfer Programs, Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence
Campus leaders will provide tips and advice for newly admitted undergraduate students, including what to expect, how to connect with the campus community, and how to prepare for fall. They will also address issues that are top of mind for transfer students.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Campus Conversation: 20-21 Campus Budget Update
Chancellor Carol Christ
Paul Alivisatos, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Rosemarie Rae, Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
Campus leaders discussed the campus budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year
Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020
Campus Conversation: Student Engagement and Services
Sunny Lee, Assistant Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students
Fabrizio Mejia, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Equity and Success
Mia Settles-Tidwell, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff, Division of Equity & Inclusion
Marvin Lopez, Director of Student Programs College of Engineering Student Services
Campus leaders provided information about plans for student services buildings and offices, as well as details about remote services and engagement opportunities.
Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2020
Campus Conversation: 150W Special Edition: Berkeley's Staff Heroines
Join this special conversation as we recognize this unique representation of the countless Berkeley staff women who have studied, worked and researched from all corners of the campus. After a welcome from Chancellor Carol Christ, panelists will include:
- Cruz Grimaldo, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office
- Sunny Lee, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students
- Mia Settles-Tidwell, Assistant Vice Chancellor in the Division of Equity and Inclusion
- Charmin Smith, Head Coach of Cal Women’s Basketball
Watch 150W Special Edition: Berkeley's Staff Heroines on YouTube
Monday, Oct. 12, 2020
Campus Conversation: 150W History Project
October 3, 2020 marked the 150th anniversary of the UC Regents’ unanimous approval of a resolution by Regent Samuel F. Butterworth: “That young ladies be admitted into the University on equal terms in all respects with young men.” Join our conversation on the 150W History Project, the highlight of a year of celebrating watershed moments of the remarkable women who have made immeasurable contributions to our campus and beyond.
This conversation, moderated by Ula Taylor, Professor and Chair of the Department of African American Studies will include:
- Chancellor Carol Christ
- Sheila M. Humphreys, EECS Director Emerita of Diversity, Co-Chair, 150W History Project;
- Catherine Gallagher, Emerita Eggers Professor of English Literature, Co-Chair, 150W History Project
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020
Campus Conversation: Elections 2020: What's Next?
Join Chancellor Carol Christ, Dean of Berkeley Law, Erwin Chemerinsky, Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate Division, Lisa García Bedolla, the Dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy, Henry Brady, and Bertrall Ross, Chancellor's Professor of Law, Chair, Diversity and Democracy Cluster at the Othering & Belonging Institute as they discuss the outcomes of the 2020 elections, and what, in their opinion lies ahead.
Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020
Campus Conversation: Finding Meaning and Social Change Through Crisis
Join Dacher Keltner, founding director of the Greater Good Science Center and professor of psychology as he discusses his studies that focus on the social functions of emotion. Professor Keltner is the host of the Greater Good Science Center’s award-winning podcast, The Science of Happiness.
Watch Finding Meaning and Social Change Through Crisis on YouTube
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020
Campus Conversation: End-of-Semester Review & Campus Budget Update
Join campus leadership as they provide insight into the past semester, take a look ahead, and give an important campus budget update.
- Dan Mogulof, Assistant Vice Chancellor Public Affairs
- Chancellor Carol Christ
- Paul Alivisatos, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
- Rosemarie Rae, Vice Chancellor of Finance - Chief Financial Officer
- Marc Fisher, Vice Chancellor Administration
Watch End-of-Semester Review & Campus Budget Update on YouTube